2012-2028:LabEx "MitoCross" (Initiative d'Avenir "Laboratoires d'excellence"), 6 équipes de 2 Instituts (GMGM, IBMP); "Mitochondria-nuclear crosstalk in function and dysfunction"; 4,5 M€/8 ans (2021-2028). Since 2021, in the frame of the ITI UNISTRA "IMCBio" (I. Tarassov)
2020-2023:ANR Jeune Chercheuse - Jeune Chercheur (JCJC): "The utraconserved intersubunit ribosome assembly factor (InsuRAF)"; 228 k€ (A. Smirnov)
2024-2026:ANR Projet de Recherche Collaborative (PRC): "Essential and universal ribosome isoaspartylation catalysed by ancient enzymes (EURICA)"; 204 k€ (A. Smirnov)